So before you load your family into your family Bradenton CX-7 to take off on your last vacation of the summer, take a few moments and make sure you car is in good working order. Check all your fluids, get your oil changed if you are driving a long distance, and have the tires checked out. Nothing like car trouble to ruin a family trip! The National Safety Council estimates that this is one of the busiest travel weekends of the year, and that approximately 368 people will die due to a traffic accident over the three day weekend. Those are not good numbers! They further estimate that there will be 19,900 injuries from traffic accidents! Make sure your whole family is wearing their seat belts!
Check to make sure you have the GPS unit with you or your trusty map. Use one of the dash mounts for it or have the front seat passenger help you navigate around unfamiliar areas during your travels. When you are on the highways, be cautious of the truck drivers. The highways are essentially their office, and no one likes it when someone rude comes to your office, so drive friendly. Lastly, plan out your trip as much as you need and have a great last summer trip!