Friday, June 25, 2010

Back Up Sensors Save Lives.

Over the past four years, 474 children have been killed in vehicle backing accidents. Back up sensors and rear view cameras are two safety measures that are being adopted in several large vehicle models. For large vehicles like SUVs and vans that can be financed with Kansas City used car loans, back up sensors can prevent accidents and save more lives every year. Large SUVs like the Chevy Suburban which can be purchased at a Staten Island Chevrolet dealer can greatly benefit from the installation of back up sensors or cameras.

Large vehicles pose a risk for backing because of the obstructed view underneath some of those vehicles. Sometimes there are blindspots which can not be seen no matter which angle one tries to look while backing. With several thousands of injuries every year from backing accidents, most of them could have been prevented with the installation of backing sensor or a rear view camera.

More new models are coming with standard backing sensors, however numerous older models do not have them. However, there are several backing sensor models that can be self installed for those vehicles that do not have them. The average backing sensor is about $100 but is a worthwhile investment to both avoid injuries and damage to a vehicle.

To avoid accidents while backing, be sure that the rear is clear from obstructions before backing up. Be sure to adjust mirrors so that a clear angle of the rear of the vehicle can be seen. Make sure that all small children are accounted for and that there are none playing in the yard or driveway. Also, back very slowly in the chance that there is someone standing behind the vehicle. Backing slowly also gives you a chance to continually check your mirrors as well.

Following just a few safety tips and installing a back up sensor for a large vehicle can prevent accidents and even save money in the long run.

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