Monday, July 12, 2010

Defensive Driving Tips Part 3;

Driving defensively is proven to prevent accidents and save lives. However, many of us are unaware of how to drive defensively in the proper way. Whether you are driving a new model or one purchased at a Kansas City Used cars dealership, defensive driving can prolong the life of your vehicle and keep it out of accidents. There are numerous models with the latest safety features that created by manufacturers such as Volkswagen whose models can be found at a discount during VW Deals. Domestic automakers have also begun to incorporate several advanced safety features, and these models can be purchased at a Denver Ford dealership as well.

Although buying a model with excellent safety features is important, you will also want to follow basic safe driving tips like: not driving when you are angry or emotional, not driving uncontrollably or unpredictably, being aware of your surroundings, and driving according to the rules of the road for your state and area.

If you drive when you are angry or emotional, there is more of a chance that you are going to make a mistake. Emotional driving means impulsive driving. Sometimes the best idea is not to jump in the car after an argument because your mind may not be able to focus on what's going on with the road. Many accidents have happened not because of drivers being tired or drunk, but because they were so upset they weren't even paying attention to the signs on the road! Calm down before you jump into the vehicle to prevent this from happening.

Another driving safety tip that goes along with this is to ways drive predictably. The more unpredictable your driving is, the more difficulty that other drivings will have spotting out your vehicle. You will want to drive with a sense of awareness and caution of others around you, and you should never switch changes, or speed up and slow down too quickly. Give plenty of time and space for lane changes. Don't floor it or brake too quickly unless you are in an emergency situation.

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