Saturday, July 24, 2010

Defensive Driving Tips Part 4;

If you are driving your new vehicle purchased during Chevy Malibu Specials, you are going to want to know defensive driving techniques. Defensive driving can prevent a serious accident from happening to you, and you will definitely want to practice safe driving tips to prevent accidents from happening. There are numerous Arizona Volkswagen dealers that offer Volkswagen vehicles that have safety features that can prevent accidents, but nothing beats defensive driving in terms of reducing accident rates.

Also check out Chicago Chevrolet Dealers for information on the latest safety features that are included with Chevy models. One way to stay safe on the road is to share the road with trucks. Trucks require much more energy than vehicles to slow down. This means that they require more time. If you decide to cut a truck off, you might cause an accident because the truck may be unable to stop.

Similarly, you never want to follow to close to trucks either. If you are directly behind a truck, the driver will not be able to see you and may not realize you are there. You will want to maintain a following distance of around 3 to 4 seconds. Be sure that you can see the mirror of the truck. If you can see the mirror of a truck, the truck can see you.

The other way to stay safe and drive defensively is to show courtesy to other drivers. I don't know how many times I have seen drivers swerve in front of each other out of road rage. That's not even the worst of it. I've seen drivers purposely brake just to irritate or scare other drivers who were tailing them, drivers racing each other out of anger, and even drivers being distracted by swearing and yelling at each other out of their windows.

You might feel obligated to curse at the driver that just cut you off, but your distraction and anger might easily lead to an accident. In the case that an accident happens, you will feel quite silly for distracting yourself with an angry outburst. Practice courtesy on the road. It is much safer than throwing a fit and causing a serious accident.

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