Friday, July 16, 2010

More Tips For Driving in the Snow;

Driving in the snow is not easy even if you have a Ford vehicle with excellent snow tires that was purchased at a Ford F-150 Inventory. There are many options for those who are looking for better snow and ice safety features that can be selected at a local Peoria VW Dealer. Driving through snowy and ice weather requires the utmost vigilance and awareness of surroundings.

There are several safe GMC models that perform well in the snow that can be purchased at a GMC Oklahoma City dealership. The worst case scenario is having to have a car towed out of a snow bank because it got stuck, or getting into an accident when the weather is not so great outside.

Be sure to drive slowly when there is both snow or ice on the road. Although snow tires might help with traction, and should be used if possible, slow driving it and of itself will increase traction and help you maintain crucial control while you're getting through snowed out areas.

Icy areas are also hard to spot while driving, which means that you should have even more incentive to slow down and be aware of icy spots. "Black ice" is ice that is not visible because it is a thin sheet that sit over asphalt, and it is this type of ice that can be very dangerous.

Because you can never really be sure of the location of invisible ice, you must be careful to keep your speed at least no more than the speed limit and probably a lot less. Since everyone else will likely be driving slowly, it shouldn't be much of a hindrance.

Another technique is to brake before you corner. Braking ahead of time gives your vehicle plenty of time, and be sure to ease into the braking. Slamming the brakes down will cause skidding may cause you to slide instead of turn.

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