Thursday, July 1, 2010

How to Handle an Automoble Accident

If you are involved in a car accident, it is a stressful and difficult situation. Volkswagen has some excellent safety features on most of their vehicles which can be seen at a Peoria VW dealer. But, even the best safety features on cars from a Bradenton Used Cars dealer, or a Minneapolis Ford dealer can not prevent the inevitable problem of human error. If you are involved in a car accident, it is important to follow these guidelines to keep everyone safe.

The first thing to do is call 911 if necessary. If there is even a slight doubt that someone might be hurt, paramedics should be called to the scene. If the accident is light and no one is hurt, the police may be called instead. You should never leave the scene of the accident or turn your car back on to move it unless the car is in danger of being hit at the time.

Make sure that all passengers are not hurt. Do not move anyone who has back pain. Do not leave your vehicle and apologize, as this can come back to haunt you when the fault for the accident is determined. Even if you are sure the accident is your fault, do not apologize and allow insurance to determine who is at fault.

The other person's insurance company may contact you for information. You should only speak to your own insurance company and not the other person's. They may ask you incriminating or other information that can be used against you while the fault of the accident is being determined. Similarly, it is foolish to admit fault to the police.

You should be honest with the officers who are getting details about the accident when they ask questions, but do not say anything outside of what they are asking. We will continue these tips in the next article on how to handle auto accidents.

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