Friday, July 2, 2010

How to Drive Safety on Ice and Snow

If you are a driver who fears driving on ice or snow, it is understandable. Brands like Volkswagen and Jeep are known to be excellent at driving in harsh weather conditions. Volkswagen models can be test driven at a Volkswagen Peoria dealer and Jeep models can be driven at a New Haven Jeep dealer. Other pre-owned weather resilient car models can be browsed at a Bradenton used cars dealer.

Ice can be a dangerous road condition if one is not prepared and experienced to drive on it. Snow is also potentially dangerous, especially because heavy snow can cause view obstruction and traction problems. However, if you know a few save driving tips, you don't have to worry about the next time that you drive in the snow or ice.

In most cases, it is best to not drive at all while there is ice and snow on the roads. If you absolutely must drive you should be extremely cautious of your speed. One of the most dangerous things to do is to drive quickly while it is snowing or there is ice on the road, because the snow reduces the amount of reaction time that drivers have. Ice is also a problem at high speeds to do lose of control while steering, and delayed stopping.

You vehicle should be equipped with snow tires if you live in a region that snows often. Most vehicles are not actually equipped with real snow tires. Snow tires must have at least 6/32 inch deep tread. Official snow tread tires usually have a snowflake symbol somewhere on the tire indicating that the tire is the industry standard for snow tires.

Be sure that lights and wipers are operating at full strength. If snow can not be wiped off due to ineffective wipers, visually impairment can lead to accidents. The snow makes visibility difficult enough as it is, and having bad wipers creates a very dangerous situation. Lights should also be operating at full capacity and not covered in any way by the snow.

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